SL91....... 1 of 10 !!!!

The SL91. The GEO that Never Was! This marker was designed and prototyped in early 2009, but never went into production. The plug was pulled on the project for a number of reasons, the main one of which was the simple problem of their only being 24 hours in each day (Don’t worry we are working on hour 25). To date there has only ever been one SL91 that has ever been anodised and assembled which has seen the light of day, and that has been in the hands of our very own Steve “Flash” Monks. Well, until now that is. In total ten SL91 prototypes were manufactured but have been under lock and key in the R&D Lab. Jack decided he wanted to have his own gun (believe it or not he has not had a gun to call his own since 2003!) so dusted down the box of parts and set about making his very own SL91. That leaves us with 8. So with a number of these going to a short list of very persistent techs, dealers and long-serving friends and allies of Eclipse that have hounded us over the last few months ...