One more for Pub Crawling....... April 16 and 17 brought us to Hopewell, Virgina for a 2 day scenario game based upon WWII called ‘Hellstorm of the Third Reich’. We love the field, SPLATBROTHERS PAINTBALL and the owners, Ronn and Don; because they put on a GREAT game and treat all the players like they are rock stars! For this game Pub Crawling was chosen to play for the German side under the command of Otto from Team Krisis with Jet of BeBop as his XO: we were joined some excellent teams, Assault and Battery, Social Hazard, Death Dealers, and Black Wolf Core (I know there were others) . The Americans were led by Farva of SOVA and many fine teams, including: Capitol Offense, ISH, Tyrell, Rebel Force Pirates, SSK, OFU, and Port City Militia (I know there were others). Over 400 players turned out for the game, which was held on weekend when there was a scheduled Tornado, yes I said Tornado…but the Tornado did not come, but the rain did cause the cancellation of the night game (which wa...