Line-Of-Fire Summer Camp

How I Spent my Summer Vacation by Jason “foolyb ear ” Lineberger Many have fond memories of summer camp experiences, but Line-of-Fire Paintball offered an alternative to trust falls and s’mores. Take away songs around a fire; keep capture the flag then add two cases of paint, three days of instruction, and an awards banquet, and you have an unforgettable summer! Rather than dropping cash on ineffective equipment upgrades, these players made the smart to choice to upgrade their skills instead, and it paid off. Line-of-Fire asked me to come back again this year for their three-day intensive paintball camp. From 9 to 5 the campers worked on all aspects of their game – from drills designed to hone snap shooting to ones ce ntered around developing and executing a game plan to complete scenario missions. Each day began with a stretch and an outline of the activities to come; then the participants loaded up on paint, aired up their tanks, and prepared to sweat. '...