Synergy comes good...

Millennium Series Leg 4 Paris, Disney World Cup 30 September - 2 October 2011 It’s been a rough season for Copenhagen Synergy. Just before the season started it was quite clear that a new roster was needed since a couple of guys had dropped off for different reasons. The solution was to join bands with a Swedish team from Malmo, MPA Blackout, without any Millennium experience what so ever. Together we decided to play as Copenhagen Synergy in the Millennium Series division 1 and as MPA Blackout in the open division in the Swedish Championships called “Planet Eclipse Paintball SM”. With the season opener in Paris and a placement dead last it was quite clear that the team had a lot to work on. It was a rough start but no one in the team had any intentions of giving up. We all knew we could be a top contender in the division although the results were speaking of the opposite. During the season we slowly got it together and the team play and dynamics in the team just grew better...