Team Faction return to the MWPL

The crisp morning air doesn’t last long in St. George Utah. It quickly gives way to a desert warmth that at this time of the year it inviting not stifling. The perfect time to get out and stretch the legs and test your skills. Hushed voices always accompany this time of day but they too slowly give way to the humming of the compressor engine and the telltale pops of air tanks being filled and guns being crono’d. The Mountain West Paintball League (MWPL) is about to kick off it’ first event of the year and we couldn’t be more excited. The MWPL is a great format. Think 5 man speedball in the “woods”. Sometimes the woods is actual wooded areas other times it’s more man made bunker but it’s more of a scenario setup than a traditional PSP layout. The other aspect that makes MWPL so different is the limited paint format that makes you think wisely about how and when you send a few balls downfield It’s our second MWPL event and we are anxious for a return to the to...