Black Karma are Bugs !!!

The life of a bug is a harsh existence. Bugs have no emotions, no fear, no guilt; they only go after what they need to survive, no matter what the cost. Klendathu is our home, and we will defend the “Brain Bugs” to the very end. The opposing “Mobile Infantry” are only pebbles that we can move with our ever-growing network of family. These “Federation Humanoids” only come to our home because our “Tanker Bugs” diverted an asteroid to their home planet. Much like space, our day started off cold for a late March game at Bearclaw Paintball . Our general David “Deeznuts” Ferguson had pondered overnight our strategy for attack on this neutral planet like the “Brain Bug” he was. Before game on at our pre-placements throughout the field, we anticipated popping up like the Bugs we were supposed to be. The game-start gunshot rang out and we hurriedly ran towards our objectives to control key positions throughout the field before having ...