Finally the first leg if NPL – Norwegian Paintball League is here :-) The snow has lifted, the grass is slowly peeking through the ground and its Paintball time! The first tournament of the year is held at Gjøvik aktivitetspark run by Rune from Xsportz. Rebels were attending with only 5 guys, with some key-players missing, but with good help in the pit and on the coach side they were ready to take on the Norwegian elite paintball-scene. They started against the toughest team, Blast. Rebels took the first point, but Blast stepped up their game and the result became 1:4. Second game was against Xsportz this was a close game and ended in overtime with a 3:2 win to Rebels. After the second game the tournament got a bit too exsiting for the guys. Even had to leave with his kid that got sick, so suddenly they were only 4 players left. Earlier that day Rebels had announced the winner of a contest they’ve had on their facebook page for some months – Ma...