Team Capital Offense Delivers the Best Upgrade

Paintballers at all levels are always looking for the latest upgrade. In our sport the slightest edge can mean the difference between hanging the flag and dragging feet to the deadbox. Line-of-Fire Paintball offers players of all ages a chance to upgrade the most essential aspect of the gear – themselves. Each summer Line-of-Fire puts on a three day paintball skills camp. Campers range from 10-years-old to 60, but they all come for the same reasons: to have fun, to improve their skills, and to add some new techniques to their repertoires. This year’s experience covered the basics that everyone needs to play the sport, then focused on some skills specific to the scenario side of the sport. Jason “foolybear” Lineberger, Joel Krenzer, and Brian Radford, all of Team Capital Offense, served as the camp instructors. Each day began with skill work on the airball field, including: gun fighting essentials, movement, communication, team...