Black Karma Get New Toys.

In November, we attended one of our favorite games of the year, Game of Thrones 4 produced by Millennium Paintball Productions. The producer, Ben Torricelli, takes great care into making sure the game will be great event for all that attend between the elaborate missions and one-on-one tournament where players fight for a sword. This year’s installment placed the Tyrell House against the Freemen House. Our task at game on was to hold off a force of 200 with only 30 defending. Eventually after attrition took its toll, we helped push towards our base and stretch to our favorite spot on the field, the schoolhouse (Frostfang for this event). The speedball missions were fun as well in western town (Giant’s Pass). This year we had a few new pieces of equipment in attendance: Planet Eclipse’s CS1 and the Gtek. Both of them made me giggle with anticipation and excitement after shooting them. I cannot say enough about how smooth both ...