Norwegians on adventures in Greece

This summer Team Fight Back Design packed our bags once again to go south. More specifically to Thessaloniki in Greece for Anthrax Tropical Bootcamp and Med Cup. This event is a weeklong experience of sun, beach, friends and paintball. This year it was a mixed crowd of Germans, Norwegians, Netherlands, Bulgarians, American, Malaysian Turkish and Greek players. From Tuesday to Friday, we lived in bungalows at the beach. We could choose between the different activities and there was something for everyone. Don’t let the term Boot Camp scare you. Most of the classes this year was theoretical or low physical intensity so we would be well rested and prepared for the tournament. The classes were a variety of fitness, nutrition and stretching, combined with some relaxing yoga and workshops for improving your everyday physical condition. There were something for everyone, not just paintball players. Inspiring professional trainers taught every class. There were also some cool ...