Techs On Tour - TAP Argentino

On the 18th and 19th of August, the third stage of the Argentine Paintball Tournament (TAP) was held at Campo Revolution Paintball - San Vicente (Buenos Aires) With the participation of 30 teams (more than 300 players).The weather had not been great and the morning of the event was cold, about 11 degrees celsius. But the game got on the way and all was good until 1pm when a a storm sweeps the field ..... Not a bad view from the Tech Tent... Turning the venue into a very muddy mess. Luckily the Planet Eclipse tech was on hand to support the players that needed help.. Some more than other! For the first time a team from Brazil made the journey to TAP,Spider Team from Rio de Janeiro (fourth place in the event) showing that the TAP is gaining recognition outside of Argentina. In weather conditions like these it's always great to know that Planet Eclipse has got your back !! To find out more about the TAP Series go here: https://www.facebo...