EMEK's first tournament win ??

Over the last few years Malaysia has gone through it's ups and down in the Paintball World. Legal issues, currency exchange rate issues, new goverments, all of these things have made it difficult, if not impossible for Paintball to grow. Some people bailed out on Paintball and some, like Raskal Sports, stayed strong and are now seeing growth again. One of the new tournament series that grew out of the burning ashes of the turmoil was the R500SLE events ran by Raskal Sports. There are two divisions: Elite is the Electronic 10.5bps ramping division, and Classic is for Mechanical markers. Entrance fees are all inclusive giving you all the paint you are allowed to use during the event. Elite teams pay MYR 1,500 (approx $350) and get 6 cases of Paint (12,000 rounds) where the Classis (Mech) pay MYR 900 (Approx $210) and get 4 case (8000 rounds). You play a maximum of 8 prelim games and have to manage your paint to last you for all of those games. If you break it down thats 300 ba...