3 vs 3 MagFed Event featuring Emortal Zombie Girl

As we emerge deeper out of lockdown around the World we love to hear about people starting to play again here at Planet Eclipse HQ. When one of our Emortals drops us a message (and pics) about a 3 vs 3 Magfed event then we get very excited. Jungle Island in Lake Elsinore ran, what I believe was, the first United Mag Fed league event. Featuring 5-man teams, 3 man teams and individuals. Zombie Girl played on a 3-Man team called SoCal Mercenaries (SCM) and took 2 nd Place with Zombie Girl also taking the event MVP award :-) Zombie Girl said “ I absolutely loved attending this event, way more competitive then attending our normal MFOG's. Definitely something for any Magfed player to attend in the future. Whether you’re doing 1v1, 3v3 or 5v5 this is definitely an event not to miss. I can't wait for the next one. ” Check out the United Mag Fed League info here: https://www.unitedmagfed.com/ We noticed that Zombie Girl had her kill cams on so we hope to s...