EMEK Rentals - The story so far 📗

Saying that our Eclipse Emek has revolutionised the rental experience for customers, and park owners, may seem like one heck of a boast–which isn't usually our style–but in this case we 100% stand by that statement. We recognised that something drastic needed to happen for the future of the game, to help it compete with other leisure activities and to make it a really fun experience for everyone. And to succeed, to really make a difference is something we're very proud of. But don't just take our word for it, our park owners agree. We spoke with Tom from OSG in New England (USA) who had this to say > Tell us a little about OSG. OSG Paintball is located in Barnstead NH. Paintball started in New Hampshire and we have kept the tradition alive and thriving in the state since it all began in1993.
OSG is the largest, most developed paintball park in New England. We have 12 themed fields which span across 43 acres. You’ll find everything from a large Pirate Ship, a Halo Sco...