Guns a Blazin’

Photos by Splatshots They set the duel for 4:30 PM, behind the Marshal’s office. Two gunfighters stood thirty feet apart, hands behind their backs - on a stool in front of each of them, a pistol holding a single shot. At the end of the count they would grab iron, turn, and blast. Only one gunslinger was walking away – the other earned a quick trip to the bone orchard. ( Click here or here for a guide to 1860s American western slang.) In three seconds it was time to shoot, Luke, or give up the gun. What brought these men to this spot? Had one scooped the other in poker? Maybe one got roostered up on the oh-be-joyful and nailed the other to the counter. No, nothing as serious as that – this was the quick drawn competition at Line-of-Fire Paintball’s Wild West Theme Day! Line-of-Fire is a creative paintball field near Asheville, North Carolina. Every couple of months they host a Theme Day, like a paintball scenario only ...