Make your own luck.

At this year’s Paintfest I sat in the bar the night before it all started with Ainsley, Owner of Lucky 15’s Elite Paintball team, and we got talking to a few guys from team South Coast Reapers about all things Paintball and one of the things that we took note of was how they, as a young inexperienced team, struggle to work out any game plans when they play the CPPS airball tournaments. So I asked if Planet Eclipse sponsored team Lucky 15’s could help in some way. Luck is important. But a good plan is essential. The Lucky 15’s are the best current team in the UK. I don’t think anyone will argue with that statement. They have done it all themselves, learnt on the job, trained hard and honed their skills to be where they are today. They have a huge talent base of young hungry players with a few experienced players guiding the missiles. They have very kindly tapped away on a keyboard and given you a glimpse behind their curtain to see what they do to make things work. If...