GEO + @ PSP World Cup

At World Cup we will have 10 x GEO’s that will already have the GST installed and for Sale. These GEO’s are all VERY Limited Edition there are ONLY 2 in Each Colour. The Colours are:

Solid Red
Solid Olive
Solid White (Clear)
Solid Green
Solid Blue

Not only are the VERY Limited they will also be at the new lower price of $995 (Reduced From $1094.99) This is now the new lower MAP Pricing on the GEO’s. But these puppies are a little special..

Available at World Cup 2009, Florida USA … ONLY

If these colours are not to your liking then you can now pick up another Great Eclipse Marker for a lot less…

New Pricing effective now:

SL94 .. Very Limited Stock.. $1395

Team Edition EGO9 $1095

Team Edition GEOs $1095

Stocks and availability are limited so strike while the iron is hot !!


  1. i would like the sl94 i do own a sl8r and it is an excellent gun. What should i ddo just buy an sl94 or wait for the 2010 sl

  2. thats tough... the SL94 is an amazing gun... it feels like a really well tuned ego but its right out of the box... i havnt shot an ego 10 but people are saying its a very different feel. IMO the difference between the SL94 and the ego10 is large enough that any added difference with the 2010 SL would be better then getting the SL94 now... and the SL94 just dropped in price... so that may be a good thing of a bad thing, however you look at it


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