Diamond Wars III (2010 Dates)

The results are in from this seasons Diamond Wars and there are a few pretty unhappy campers… The HMC in fact won more events in total that the USDE but the absolute a$$ kicking the HMC took during the Festival weekend in July proved to be the cushion the USDE needed and even with the effort of the HMC in the final leg the gap still proved too big to close….

If you’re a rec baller, scenario player or tournament player I can’t recommend the Diamond Wars enough… If you want to play some of the best paintball you will ever get to play in arena’s second to none then you should check out the Diamond Wars (DW) next year.

Here is next year’s flyer with all the dates….

Major General Ledz will be there in 2010 with his Mercs….. Which side will they join forces with?? Only time will tell.


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