Thailand is BACK ???
The event is open to all Div 1 teams (No CPL, SPL, Pro or Semi Pro Teams).

The organisers are super keen for teams to make the trip over and have been working on keeping the costs of the event to a minimum for international teams and have some amazing deals on hotels, transport etc. If this is something you fancy playing then drop the event organisers a quick e-mail and see what you can arrange… If the Pre Tourney hype is even half lived up to the event will be ‘Off The Hook’.
Here is a little more info that I have got about the divisions and the prize money:
Division 1:
Winner, 2nd & 3rd Place of the Leg
* Min. 20 teams
* Prizes will be reduced by 20% if minimum numbers are not achieved.
Worth of cash & prizes
Total of USD 8,000.00
Division 2: Amateur
Winner, 2nd & 3rd Place of the Leg
* Min. 20 teams
* Prizes will be reduced by 20% if minimum numbers are not achieved. Worth of cash & prizes Total of USD 4,000.00
Division 3: Amateur
Winner, 2nd & 3rd Place of the Leg
* Min. 15 teams (will not open if less than 15 teams) Total of USD 2,500.00 Worth of cash & prizes
Division 1 - M7 Format race to 3
Division 2&3 - Standard M5 Format PSP/Millenium Mode
Book the hotel before 15 Jan2010
THB 1500 per room* per night only!!!
* 2 PPL per room.
Hotel website- Look for Pattaya Orchid - Garden wing.
facebook EVENT INFO(updated daily)
For more info contact the organisers on:
Chris -
Tom -
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