And the Winners Are :

Well, it's been a real poor show from you lot I must admit. There are thousands and thousand of you out there and we get a couple of entrances to win free stuff.. Rubbish.

I read the comments on Facebook and people were saying stuff like "we live in Florida there is no snow" well, for those people you have to pay attention... In an earlier Blog i said this:

If you have any weird and wonderful Planet Eclipse stuff going on or know of anyone that goes that extra mile then send in your images. I tell you what, let’s make this a little more interesting. Lets run a competition every couple of months (don’t bother holding me to every 60 days) where the best photo of someone ‘reppin’ Eclipse in a cool way will win a prize. Depending on what they do will depend on their prize…. Impress me and the prize will get better!! It can be anything so use your imagination! Get Eclipse stickers on some super stars, tattoo’s, crop circles, even risky stuff will be very well excepted… Whatever your weird and wonderful minds come up with E-mail them in to me at Planet Eclipse on and we will share the best with everyone.

So to keep my promise...

For the best Snowman the price goes to: Jack Farr.. He will win an Eclipse Hoody.

And from the earlier competition Patcom8 is also going to get an Eclipse Hoody....

Can you two please contact us with you full name, address and size... And Congratz !

We did have a late entry from Brussels Psycho with there snowman which is also worth a view...

So the competetion is still on for Eclipse Stuff so get your pics into and you could be the next winner....



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