Hot Sauce USA ???

We have been making a Hot Chilli Sauce now for a couple of years. Initially it was made to, well, make me happy. I am a Hot Sauce fan to say the very least. I have a pretty good collection and wanted to share my love for Hot Sauce with the world in the same way that I do for Paintball (but in a much smaller scale)..

Some people have mocked and laughed at a Paintball company making a hot sauce 'Fire It Up'. There is no need to take this seriously it just a bit of fun and it also happens to be a cracking good sauce... BUT, there is always a but. Due to American food laws and restrictions we could never import the Fire It Up Chilli Sauce into the USA :-(

So, no wanting you guys to miss out the search started for a US based company to make me a 'Fire It Up USA Edition' Sauce... And hey presto.. Here it is !!!!!

Fire It Up USA Edition sauce is NOT super hot. It's a great tasting hot sauce. It’s full of flavour and will add a kick to pretty much anything, but Blow Your Head Of it will not.

We have also got a few bottles in the UK but don't tell the yanks ;-)
(BTW if anyone has out there makes a great hot sauce then don't feel shy sending a sample bottle my way :-)



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