Ted -E - bear !!!

Planet Eclipse HQ is based in Manchester, North West England. Not too far up the road from Planet HQ is a magical place called Adventure Farm, that provides holidays and activities for terminally ill, chronically sick, disabled and disadvantaged children.


When each child arrives they will find a teddy bear on their bed which they take home with them at the end of the stay.
At Planet we have been collecting Teddy Bears from the staff and we have also had a Special Ted-E-Bear made for the Charity (C.A.F.T) that one lucky child will receive. It even comes with a birth certificate and everything! Obviously, we had to dress it up in camo and Eclipse Dog Tags :-) The Emortal Army Ted-E-bear is a very ‘Vicious’ Looking Panda and we thought it would be only fitting to call it after the other ‘Vicious’ cuddly Teddy Bear that we all know…. So we named the Eclipse Emortal Ted-E-Bear ‘Greg PAWley’ .. Get it… No… OK, just me then…
I’m not asking anyone to do anything, just passing on that feel good feeling you have when you know that you’re doing something nice for someone a lot less fortunate than yourself. If anyone out there wants to donate Teddies (or any donation) to the charity I’m sure they will be more than happy to take them (new/nearly new). So no sending in your one eyed, missing-a-leg teddy full of dribble and probably patient zero for swine flu!
Everyone at Planet… xx


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