Last year the UWL (Ultimate Woodsball League) came to the UK (NPF, Birmingham) for a single leg of this popular series from the USA. The UWL is a woodland tournament with a difference. 30 minutes games, 4 flags, bonuses, 10 minute re-spawns, massive fields and FUN, lot and lots of FUN!

4 Legs over the year and 3 different titles up for grabs.
For more info check the forum: http://forum.nationalpaintballfields.com/
If you loved the woods in the past, then you will love this. If you love the woods now and fancy tournament ball then this is a great event for you. If you just fancy a cracking days balling in the woods (and probably the best woods in the country in my opinion) then this is the event to play…..
Operation Sandbag will be there as part of there ‘Tour of Duty’ 2010... I hope to see some old and some news faces in the woods down at NPF....
If you loved the woods in the past, then you will love this. If you love the woods now and fancy tournament ball then this is a great event for you. If you just fancy a cracking days balling in the woods (and probably the best woods in the country in my opinion) then this is the event to play…..
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