Pub Crawling

Planet Eclipse have re-signed Pub Crawling, one of the top Scenario Teams in the country continued their relationship by agreeing to a 2 year contract extension. This will mark a 4th and 5th year partnership.

Pub Crawling Captain MJ had this to say about the deal, "We couldn't be happier with the performance of the PE product line, and over the years we've really come to feel like we are a part of the family here...and that is priceless. Finally, let me just make it clear; even without this deal we would still be using PE markers, because they are simply the best available." Pub Crawling is an international Scenario paintball team who, this season, can be found in Tennessee, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Scotland (yes, the country of Scotch), and Massachusetts playing their game. For the latest on the team visit
Ian ‘Jacko’ Parsons from Planet Eclipse wanted to add, “We are pleased and excited to be associated with the PUB again!! They travel a lot and do a great deal for the sport and this year they are off to Bonny Scotland for games and Whiskey!! Planet Eclipse have been given the label of not being into ‘Scenario’ Paintball, which just isn’t true we want your teams to win in whatever format they decide to play in, and that’s why the top Scenario teams in the country come to us to shoot the best !!
Pub Crawling have also just come back from Poco Loco in New Hanover, Pennsylvania. So we asked MJ to give us a quick rundown on what went on:
What a great time we had! Our general was the well know scenario general, Barney (yeah, the purple guy) and he led us well. The game was a post nuclear affair titled 'Fallout', produced by the Tri State Special Operations Command (TSSOC) guys and they did a good job on this one. We played against Pete 'Cookie Monster' Murphy and his minions. 400 players showed up at the field for a sunny day of paintball (the best kind). Once the rules were explained we all hit the field for the game, and what a game it was. Though there was good back and forth action all day, there were a few times when we took it straight to the other side and.....well, MJB from the Pub Crawling said it this way, "I shot those players until they quit". Ha Ha! Anyway, we all get owned sometimes and this game was no exception. MJ, team Captain of Pub Crawling, got toasted by a player from SOVA (Virgina team) while he was assaulting the enemy base.
With missions being run, ground and buildings being fought over, it was hard to tell which side had the advantage at the end of the game. We felt pretty good that we weren't getting our butts kicked; but you never know in scenario, because of the points associated with missions and flag stations and personal get the point. However, we did own the enemy base at the end of the final mission...
We won the day, as it turned out, by a score of 975 to 550. Not bad at all. We also won the Most Valuable Team award from our side and the Most Formidable Opponent award from the other side. So, win the day, win 2 awards, not bad at all. You better believe we had a great party Saturday night. If you were wondering, our team edition ETEK3's (fresh out of the box) were awesome and caused us to have magical powers; which is great by the way. What a great way to start the season!

Finally a big thanks to our sister team, Joint Fury, who played alongside us all day and continued to prove why the 'unholy alliance' is the best thing going.
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