What the €$£?

We have waited until AFTER 12:00pmon April 1st (Midday) to announce this so know body thinks it’s an Aprils Fool.. As of Today there is going to be a Pounds Sterling (£) and a Euro (€) price increase due to the continually free falling US Dollar exchange rate. It is almost the same time that we had to implement an ‘exchange rate’ price increase last year… Below is an extract from the OFFICAL Dealer press info…

Unfortunately this is virtually the same notice that we sent out the same time last year!

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news again!

Since the launch of our 2010 product line we have held our Euro and Sterling prices despite the exchange rates slipping against the dollar.

Planet Eclipse has tried its best to avoid having to change its pricing over the last 6 months, taking the currency loss and just getting on with the job as best as possible.

Unfortunately as the exchange rates are still so volatile we need to make an adjustment to our Euro and Sterling prices to redress this change in rates.

Effective immediately we will have to raise our Sterling prices by 9.68% and our Euro prices by 6.81%.

This is a lot less than the rises we had to implement last year , and in the same way we did last year , if the exchange rates swing back in our favour then we will redress the increase and reduce the Sterling and Euro prices accordingly.


We are ‘Again’ very sorry we have to do this; it is something out of our control, but still doesn’t make us feel any better about doing it.

On a slightly better note. If you’re about to pull the trigger on some Eclipse gear we are doing to keep the prices the same until probably mid day on Wednesday the 7th April when the web site will update and all prices will change. So click the buy button quick !!



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