Bryan Bortol (Vicious)... 10 Things....
....... You might not know about me.
The votes have been counted and the winners crowned, well not so much crowned more like, OK, tell me some funny, weird, embarrassing or secret stuff about yourself that people might not know.
The Poll winner was Bryan Bortol from team Vicious. So here is Bryan’s ‘10 Things you might not know about me !!!’

The Poll is now up for the European Pro Players so please cast your votes: CLICK HERE.
Name: Bryan Bortol
Nickname: "B"
Age: 19
Teams: Deviators, DSS, VICIOUS
Job: College Student, DSS
1......... I still to this day have all of my Pokémon cards. Blastoise was my favorite and he was B.A. First one of my friends to find a gold holographic Charizard. Loved it when Burger King had the toys. Watched the cartoon all the time. How could you not love those cartoon voice overs?

2....... Watch The Video:
3........ I used to dip my cheetos in ketchup. They are just like orange fries. When it doubt, put ketchup in it. Ketchup is delish.
4....... In 7th grade I was suspended for calling a kid a bad name even though he was one. He should have been suspended for calling me a name but he was a whiner. What happens on the bus should stay on the bus. The public school system can be cruel and unfair. Hmmm….got to stay home from school as a punishment and played video games. Maybe the punishment did fit the crime.
5....... I’ve been playing soccer since kindergarten. Never could handle T-ball. Was way too boring. I always had to do sports where you were moving. Played goalie or forward early on and became the sweeper in high school. My best friend from soccer all those years works the weekends at the paintball store.

6........ I’ve broken my collarbone twice…first during a soccer game. It broke into three pieces and had to wear a figure eight collar. Either that or surgery to repair it. Only paintball tournament I have ever missed was MAO cause of the break. I got to wear the money hat and watch from the pit. I rebroke it six months later on Labor Day when I was tubing at the lake. Greg was driving the boat…I'm just saying….and Jake was the one who flew into me and snapped it.

7........ My favorite movies are Pixar movies and I don’t even care if people think they are stupid because they are amazing… Monsters Inc., Toy Story, Wall-E, UP, Finding Nemo….that's entertainment with a capital "E." Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell movies are still high on the list. Joe Dirt has to get an honorable mention. Wow so many Saturday Night Live cast mates are in my favorites.

8......... I am ridiculously afraid of spiders. Anacrophobia is my middle name. It's got eight legs..that's just not normal. Know what spiders are afraid of? The spider wasp..they sting em, paralyze em, and eat em alive.

9.......... Always made the honor roll….woot woot Many painful nights of studying. Have I told you how much I hate math? Good thing my other grades evened out my math grade. Math is the devil.
10........... I can beat anyone in ping pong…. You don’t even know. Improves the hand eye coordination and helps me with my ninja chop hands. Have also dented a few walls at the new house. Hoping my mom doesn't read this anytime soon.

Thanks to Bryan for doing this....
The votes have been counted and the winners crowned, well not so much crowned more like, OK, tell me some funny, weird, embarrassing or secret stuff about yourself that people might not know.
The Poll winner was Bryan Bortol from team Vicious. So here is Bryan’s ‘10 Things you might not know about me !!!’

The Poll is now up for the European Pro Players so please cast your votes: CLICK HERE.
Name: Bryan Bortol

Nickname: "B"
Age: 19
Teams: Deviators, DSS, VICIOUS
Job: College Student, DSS
1......... I still to this day have all of my Pokémon cards. Blastoise was my favorite and he was B.A. First one of my friends to find a gold holographic Charizard. Loved it when Burger King had the toys. Watched the cartoon all the time. How could you not love those cartoon voice overs?

2....... Watch The Video:
3........ I used to dip my cheetos in ketchup. They are just like orange fries. When it doubt, put ketchup in it. Ketchup is delish.

5....... I’ve been playing soccer since kindergarten. Never could handle T-ball. Was way too boring. I always had to do sports where you were moving. Played goalie or forward early on and became the sweeper in high school. My best friend from soccer all those years works the weekends at the paintball store.

6........ I’ve broken my collarbone twice…first during a soccer game. It broke into three pieces and had to wear a figure eight collar. Either that or surgery to repair it. Only paintball tournament I have ever missed was MAO cause of the break. I got to wear the money hat and watch from the pit. I rebroke it six months later on Labor Day when I was tubing at the lake. Greg was driving the boat…I'm just saying….and Jake was the one who flew into me and snapped it.

7........ My favorite movies are Pixar movies and I don’t even care if people think they are stupid because they are amazing… Monsters Inc., Toy Story, Wall-E, UP, Finding Nemo….that's entertainment with a capital "E." Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell movies are still high on the list. Joe Dirt has to get an honorable mention. Wow so many Saturday Night Live cast mates are in my favorites.

8......... I am ridiculously afraid of spiders. Anacrophobia is my middle name. It's got eight legs..that's just not normal. Know what spiders are afraid of? The spider wasp..they sting em, paralyze em, and eat em alive.

9.......... Always made the honor roll….woot woot Many painful nights of studying. Have I told you how much I hate math? Good thing my other grades evened out my math grade. Math is the devil.
10........... I can beat anyone in ping pong…. You don’t even know. Improves the hand eye coordination and helps me with my ninja chop hands. Have also dented a few walls at the new house. Hoping my mom doesn't read this anytime soon.

Thanks to Bryan for doing this....

Bryan is awesome. I wish I could be like him.
ReplyDeleteGO VICIOUS!
Love the video