Moustache - Off...... it's for Charity Mate.

NPPL Vegas Webcast - Charity Moustache-off 2010

Every year a group of friends and I involve ourselves in some form of fundraising; choosing a worthy charity and then and appropriately original method of encouraging people to donate to our fundraising effort. This year I am entered in a Charity Moustache-off in a bid to raise a minimum of £1000 for Cancer Research UK (which incidentally and unbelievably receives NO government support whatsoever!). Here is the history of how the idea for the fundraiser came about as well as details of how YOU can get involved:

As many of you know I am fortunate to be the host of the NPPL webcast that broadcast live from locations such as Huntington Beach, Challenge Park Xtreme and Las Vegas! If you haven’t met the crew behind the scenes of the webcast then you are seriously missing out – they are hands down some of the funniest people I have ever had the pleasure of working alongside and after many hours of chatting thanks to the traumatic weather that we were faced with in Chicago, the idea of a charity moustache-off culminating at the Vegas webcast came to life!

So, let’s fast forward to the present day; it’s a little under two weeks until the Vegas event and as 1st September was our designated “clean-shave day” I’ve been cultivating quite a ‘tash! The goal as I mentioned before is to raise a minimum of £1000 for Cancer Research UK, but it really is a case of every single penny, cent, kroner, rupee or baht is truly appreciated and will be guaranteed to be put to great use by Cancer Research UK. I’m sure that I speak for the majority when I saw that Cancer is a scary prospect at best, with the unnerving ability to affect any of us, or anyone we know seemingly at will. Friends and family of mine have been affected by Cancer and no doubt will be in the future, and as enough can never be known about the disease I feel it’s important that we do what we can to ensure that sufficient resources are there to continue to learn how to treat and cure Cancer most effectively.

This is where I need your help! I’m willing to endure almost 6 weeks of itchy, scratchy, Robinson Crusoe-esq beardyness in the hope that you’ll be willing to support the cause by donating whatever you can, or whatever you feel appropriate to Cancer Research UK via this link:

If any of you are planning on being in Vegas for the NPPL on 8-10th October then make sure that you come across and say hi if you see me there – if not tune into the show via and check out the varying styles of moustache that I will have each day. Thanks in advance for anything that you can donate,

Nicky T


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