Desert Edge new WMD

Forged in the depths of hell and inspired by the unparalleled legacy of carnage the Ego continues to leave in its wake, comes the third issue of the Desert Edge Ego – The “DEEGO 11”.

Desert Edge is pleased to announce the release of the new 2011 limited edition DEEGO from Planet Eclipse. The distinctive design of this exclusive private label marker features all the great features of the Ego 11, with the stunning new Desert Edge graphics. The distinctive graphics make this striking limited team edition marker a dream to the few shooting it and a nightmare to those that oppose it.

The DEEGO represents a rare and long standing partnership between Eclipse and Desert Edge--two entities dedicated to building the sport of paintball.

The third edition of the DEEGO is truly a milestone in poppet-value technology and demonstrates the constant commitment Planet Eclipse has to meet the needs of each individual player. This remarkable marker is equally at home in the woods at UWL as it is on the tournament fields of NPPL.

“Desert Edge has proven to be one of our most successful and stable scenario teams. We are very excited to have Desert Edge in the Emortal Army for another year to come!!”

”The consistency of Desert Edge and support they have shown Eclipse over the years is extraordinary. Most teams don’t even last a couple years yet Desert Edge has been around together as team for many years and has been supporting Planet Eclipse for over five years now. I love the respect Desert Edge receives from other players and teams, the attitude they bring to the field. They are always looking to lend a hand to another player if needed. DE guys are always acting in the right manner on and off the field and that can’t be said about most teams out there. It’s also great that Desert Edge plays in scenario events, tactical events, pump events and speedball events. They bring their love to the game in every aspect out there.” – Marc Lancia Planet Eclipse

“Eclipse has always been the company we wanted for a gun sponsorship. This will be our 6th year with Eclipse and every year they remind us why being part of the Emortal Army is like nothing else out there. Eclipse treats their teams better than any other manufacturer and continues to produce the best markers and soft goods in the industry. We know without a doubt that when we step on the field, even in the worst conditions, that marker problems will be the last thing we have to worry about.” – Dan Saunders (Desert Edge Team Captain).

Desert Edge would like to personally thank Planet Eclipse for providing the best equipment in the industry and for their unparalleled support of Team Desert Edge.

Desert Edge will be proudly shooting the DEEgo, Ego Eleven, Geo 2, and Etek3 paintball markers for the 2011 season.

Follow Desert Edge on Facebook Here:!/pages/Team-Desert-Edge/130753760807


  1. Thanks Planet, for another great year of support!

  2. Seriously guys, Eclipse makes the best stuff, period. We wouldn't shoot anything else. Thanks Eclipse!


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