Ego9 Rawhide

We received this email from Magnus 'Sideburns' Larson from Sweden. We thought you would also like to read about his Ego9 Rawhide project! Great work Magnus :)

I bought myself my dream-marker some weeks ago, an Ego9 with the "Revolver"-graphics...
When I got it home I felt it would be a disgrace to put a neoprene cover on the tank, and a standard looking Rotormag on it.
It just wouldn´t look right...I wanted to take the "revolver" design to its perfection, with a rugged "cowboyish" style.

So I got into my car, and went to town!

In Aengelholm there is an old Leather/Hide store, which where put out of business for some 5 years ago, but the manager still lives in the building. I asked him to sell me some hide and leather, and I got it very cheap, 30$. The biggest hide i bought was marked and produced in 1981!

Well, I started to work on this project in the evenings after work, I have put in about 10 hours in the leatherwork, but now i´m very satisfied!
I know, I know, paint and suede are not the perfect combo, but I think it will work out fine.
Next stop in this project will be the grips.
I will make new grips in stoneware clay, which when they have been burned will be rock hard, and matte bonewhite in colour.

If you guys want to look at the whole project, visit our  home page: 
Further down on our blog,there is a projectlog from my "Ego G36" project, where i built my Ego7 into a G36 softairshell.

Best regards// Magnus "Sideburns" Larson, Sweden.


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