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  1. That is one sick rig right there guys!!

  2. Really its dissapointing at best! ill stick to my ego 11, it looks a lot better than this gun. hate the goofy reg!

  3. That "goofy reg" gives you a macroless setup without really being macroless, therefore still allowing you to fix a leak etc or diagnose without having to take EVERYTHING apart

  4. "macroless"??? so, that horrible line coming from the trigger what? Its uglt as hell!

    Even Tippmann did a better job removing the the lines . . . LAME

  5. so your suppose to put your fingers in between the hose to hold the reg? what were they thinking, absolute horrid idea!

  6. First Empire makes an ugly marker now planet eclipse ruins the ego fantastic...

  7. Everyone used to say oh all the egos look about the same but when PE puts out a completely new design everyone is like "its horrible. man that looks ugly." STFU and look at it from the designers views. They listened to what everyone had to say and they designed this and all you people look at it and say "PE what are you doing to paintball. Empire and Tippmann did better." If that's the case go buy one of those guns and shut up.

    Personally I like it. They got rid of the LPR knob. The Macroline is flush so I don't have to worry about it. There is a rubber grip on the reg itself. Overall I think its great. I personally wanna shoot it and see how it sounds.

  8. I originally was thinking this was just completely ugly but now that ive looked at it more, i think its mainly that really weird macro line, and maybe the reg being so bulky. I'm really wondering how it shoots but by looks alone, i wouldnt wanna pay a cent over $1000 for it.

  9. I like it. I don't hold the reg in a way that the macro will mess with my fingers anyway. All the design decisions make perfect sense. People just don't like the looks cos it's not what they used to. Don't worry guys it'll grow on you :)

  10. This is beautiful. The one thing i hated about the ego was the "torpedo" as i call it sticking out right under the barrel. Macroless is the way to go. now i want to see a macroless geo

  11. Wonderful work, love the gun! Getting one as soon as I see one in stock

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