Tech Wars - Viper !!!!!

Taken from the Viper Paintball Web Site:

Viper Paintball is excited to announce that Planet Eclipse will continue their support of Viper events through 2013. Players were thrilled in 2013 to see Planet Eclipse join the Viper family and to have the chance, at every Viper event, to win great Planet Eclipse products like HDE pants and jerseys, gear bags, and even Planet Eclipse Ethas!

Viper had this to say: "After wearing Planet Eclipse HDE pants and jerseys all year, and shooting my Geo 2.1 at every game, I can say that I have truly joined the leagues of Planet Eclipse fanatics. Every Planet Eclipse product seems to have been designed by mind-readers who are able to create exactly what players are looking for, with the exact features and configuration you need to get the most enjoyment out of a weekend of play."

We want to say thank you to Planet Eclipse for their support in 2012, and for continuing to support our 2013 schedule. If you are a player and are not using Planet Eclipse products find a moment and talk to Viper and he will explain what you are missing out on! 


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