Black Bandits on the way UP !!

14 July 2013, NSC Leg4 - Limabravo

At the end of the season in the Dutch Scenario Competition 2013 the 4 teams with the highest win% will qualify for the Season Finals. And with just 2 legs to go the Bandits were outside the range of qualification. Yes we took the number 1 spot at leg4, but that ranking is based on score. We only won two of our 4 games that leg so we didn’t have enough win% for the top 4 spots on the season ranking.

So we had to harvest wins this leg to boost our season win%. But unfortunately in a leg that was marked as the toughest leg this season. With Fubar, Dutch Scenario Competition champion for consecutive years, one of our biggest rivals Bad Company, new comers Astro´s and the Millenium Sup Air Div1 guest team Aggression it was important to be focused and work our a** off…

The first game against Fubar started promising. We were able to capture the swing base and hold it. But during a sneaky attack by Fubar on our homebase that caught our attention they also captured the swingbase by crawling through the high grass. Thanks to the “time reversal” special we were able to change back the homebase clock without getting shot. And with an attack on our swingbase we were able to take that one back also. It was a great battle that end in a small victory Bandits 52 – Fubar 50. This was not only a good start this leg, we were able to add Fubars first game loss this Season.

The second game against Aggression we made an unusual game plan. We expected some ´aggressive´ duh… play. And we were expecting them in the speedball area to really make use of their sup-air skills. We surrounded the whole place from the bush lines but were supprised to only see a few Aggression players there. But than we realized they have learned and adapted quickly after an unsuccefull first game and they were able to hold the swing and home base and pin us down. We found two specials but it was not enough we lost Bandits 50 – Aggression 60

The third game against Astros we started aggressive after a very disappointing previous game. We were able to win this game with a high score of Bandits 84 – Astros 19.

The fourth and last game against Bad Company where two teams both are fighting for one of the top 4 spots was an interesting one. We didn´t start so well and were not able to capture the swingbase in the high grass area. But we drawed their attention by attacking their home base and were able to push them back to their deadbox. During that time we caught the Swingbase on took some great defending positions. We tried to find specials but were not able to find a single one. So it was a scary situation “did they have all specials?”. A sneaky time reversal on our base where they took 9 minutes pushed us in an uncertain situation. Was it enough for a victory? Thank god it was Bandits 57 – Bad Company 45.

3 wins and 1 loss this day = 75% win and this is what we really needed. At the price giving ceremony this brought us the 2nd price after Fubar, a nice extra bonus! Thanks to this great success we entered the top4 teams in the season ranking and are now positioned as 3rd team.

Thank you Paintballersunit and Madball for the great marshalling. Limabravo for hosting this nice event. Aggression for participating as guest team. And of course our sponsors who make this possible: Planet Eclipse, Hasselhoff Photography, Paintball Supplies, FEJO, Patch-Werk and GI Sportz.

Well Done guys... 1st place is just around the corner :-)


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