Planet EcLIPSe Fantasy Football League - FREE TO ENTER !!!

It’s nearly time for the English Football Premier League (Or Soccer if your American :-) to kick off again… the 2013 / 2014 season is just around the corner, starting on 17th August..

This season Planet Eclipse have decided in conjunction with LiPs Paintball to host the:

‘Planet EcLIPSe FF League’.

It’s FREE to enter and can be a lot of fun, but very frustrating at the same time… To spice things up a little Planet Eclipse and LiPS have decided to give out a bunch of prizes… Don’t get too excited we are not going to be giving away LV1’s every week :-) but we will do some nice prizes for:

  • Manager of the month (Each Month)
  • First person to make 1000 points (highest points @ over 1000 at end of game week in case of multiple players breaking 1000 points in the same game week).
  •  Manager and Runner Up of the Season…

Winners will get their two 15 minutes of fame via the Planet Eclipse and LiPS Facebook pages…

So what you waiting for?? Come and join the fun…

Like we said it’s FREE to enter. I’ll try and explain what you need to do if you’re a Premier League Fantasy Football virgin….

So what do you do next?

First… Click this link and register an account:

Follow the normal type of opt in/ opt out info (newsletter etc)…. On the last page you need to click the “I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions” button, then click submit…

Then Re-Log in using the same e-mail and password you have just set-up…

Then click the “Visit Fantasy Premier League” (As below)……

It will then take you to your team selection page…. You need to pick a squad.. You have 100 Million to spend on 15 players…BUT, don’t worry as you can make as many changes as you like before the first day of the league (August 17th)… So just click “Auto-Complete” for now.

Once you have picked your squad, type in your team name….. (Nothing rude and remember this is the Planet Eclipse and LiPS League.. Inappropriate team names will be deleted.)

Click the ‘Agree with Terms and Conditions’ then 'Confirm' your team and you are away..

Now the last step is to join the IMC Fantasy League…

Click ‘LEAGUES’ See Pic below…



Click ‘ NEXT’ then enter the code for the Planet EcLIPSe FF League:

The code for the Planet EcLIPSe FF League is:

And that’s it… You will be starting on your path to fame, future and international stardom or at least a bit of fun when we aren’t out ballin…

If you have any questions check out the FAQ’s / Help / Rules section here:

Good Luck everyone..

Planet Eclipse and LiPS


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