Carbon Copy !!

New adventures, new friends, new trophy’s !!

After again attending the first round of the Med League in Thessaloniki earlier this year; it was time to pack our eclipse bags once again and get on a plane to Limassol for the second leg. This series has become our go to series for fun and ballin. Kostantinos and Anthrax creates a great atmosphere at these events and we always come away with another set of great stories and new friends.
This time looked to be no different as the location was Limassol in Cyprus. Louie O and Paintball Cyprus was hosting the event.

Unfortunately real life stuff caught up with my team Larvik Carbon before this event. It’s the same guys you know from before (from Slagen Bandits Gold and Silver) just a name change for this year.
Work, studies and military service got in the way for this one. In the end it was me and my boyfriend, Tor Anders, who got on the plane with our trusty Geo 3’s to try to add to our trophy collection.

We flew down on Wednesday and got to see some of the local sights and chat with Louie, who took great care of us even though he was stressed out of his mind making sure the event was going to run smoothly. The weather was great and certainly warm enough for us northerners and we got to spend a full day at the beach in Agia Napa together with the world’s craziest and kindest taxi driver :-)

Friday was practice day with Anthrax Reign and our teammates for the event Kevin and Andy from Germany and George from Greece. For this event we would be: the Athrax Allstars.

After a great practice working out new international codes and bunker names everybody got together in a restaurant called “the lighthouse”. We had one whole floor for ourselves with a big buffet and live music. We had a great time with good friends and umbrella drinks :-)

When I came to the players area on Saturday, I had to look twice – what met me ; a portable Starbucks-can with either hot or cold mocca! I was ecstatic even before the games could begin:-)

Saturday was the 3 man competition which started just late enough so it was possible to go out clubbing and still be reasonably fresh in the morning. We teamed up with Anthrax head honcho himself Kostantinos for this one and the games soon got underway. We played round robin race to 2 and played a lot of games. In the end we got 3rd place. Louies team PBCY won. After two days of playing, our tired bodies headed back to the hotel for some rest before Sundays 5 man race to three format.

Sunday was round robin with the two best teams meeting in the final. We played kinda scrappy at first, trying to get used to each other’s style of play but after we worked out the worst kinks everybody started to put in work. Before our last game we had one loss to Anthrax Reign and had to win against Louie’s team (PBCY) to make it in to the finals. Things started out bleak as we went down 0-2 quickly. We changed things up and staring running up the middle and managed to shut down one side completely for the rest of the game and in the end it was a come from behind victory 3-2.

This meant we got another shot at an undefeated Anthrax Reign in the finals. The game went back and forth and after a while we were up 2-1 and time was starting to expire. We broke out evenly but Kevins gun went down. We crossed it up and hoped for the best. 5 empty pods later Anthrax Reign started their push. In the ensuing chaos both teams had players alive but the final buzzer sounded as one of Reigns players were 3 meters from our buzzer. Not a very stylish victory, but not too bad for a throw together team!

It was time for the awards ceremony with great prices from Eclipse, Anthrax and G.I.

After three days of playing it was time get our dirty kit of and wash our bruised and scraped up bodies-everybody was famished but happy. We spent the night at Fridays with the Reign boys sharing stories and a great meal.

Another adventure is over, new friends gained and a couple of trophies too!

Big thanks to Louie,Jimmy and paintball Cyprus for a great tournament,George for the playing and the Starbucks coffe and of course Anthrax,Game-On and Planet Eclipse for supporting our adventures and making great products.

Also heartfelt thanks to Anatoly who had the pleasure of playing his first speedball tournament, and at the same time were a great help to us in the pits. You have the heart of a lion :)

Love from Krissy, Team Carbon


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