Splatbrothers – Rise of Empire Top 5

Photos and article by Jason “foolybear” Lineberger Rather that present game coverage, a play-by-play, or a thoughtful piece on the state of modern paintball, here’s a top 5 from Team Capital Offense’s recent season-opening full squad scenario, Rise of Empire, at Splatbrothers Paintball in Hopewell, VA. 5. The Looooong Sweep For the past few scenario events we’ve attended at Splatbrothers, they’ve blocked off two major trails that divide the field. These become “rivers” that are only passable at designated “bridges.” As a result, the closest bridge to each base becomes an instant bottleneck, and while fighting through a bottleneck can be fun, it’s a low-percentage move. Combine that with the crazy cardio of certain team members and you have the tapeline-skirting, full field crossing, bushwhacking, long sweep. It starts with David and Jiggs taking off through the woods, and it ends, eventually, with the more experienced team members arriving a...