Rebels tour of Norway #part 2

The second leg of NPL (Norwegian Paintball League) was held in Hokksund. This tournament is a bit special on the weather front, they’ve held NPLs for many years and its almost always amazingly warm and sunny. This time was no different :-)
We have a bit of a love/hate relationship to this tournament cos it easily gets a bit hot to play, but on the other hand awesome weather to watch paintball in.

Rebels are suffering a bit under the strain of playing 3 different leagues (Millennium, SM and NPL) plus practicing a lot. Not all employers are able to let you have all the weekends off during the whole paintball season. So, with most of the key players at work they entered with some of the new guys plus a hired gun. But of course they were still aiming for the win and eager to show themselves.

The first game was against EPK, the local heroes of the field, mostly old guys with great love for the sport and some bad ass break-shooting skills (old school) Rebels won this one 4-0 but not without loosing people off the break J

Next game, and as always the hardest was against Blast. They came at it hard and the Rebels lost 4-0.

Rampage was in line after that, this is their first whole season in elite and they have proven themselves to be a good opponents. The game went back and forth for a while before Rebels closed it down with a 4-3 win.

The last team in the bracket was Kristiansund Oilers, the Rebels win was 4-0

The team  showed themselves worthy of a spot in the semis once again.

In the semi they met Xsportz, a mixture of new and old talent and this time a too hard nut to crack, Rebels lost 4-1 and proceeded to play for 3rd and 4th.

The bronze final was again against Rampage, but this time Rampage was the one that took revenge and Rebels lost 4-2 ending the tournament with a bitter 4th place.

The new guys showed what they were made of, but this time it wasnt quite enough.Some valuable lessons were learned and the team will come back stronger next time. 

Follow The Rebels on Facebook here:

A thanx to everyone who helped us throughout the day, we appreciate you taking the time to help us so we can concentrate on the game.

And a great thanx to the people that makes this possible:

Planet Eclipse, Virtue Paintball, PBgear, Anthrax and Fight Back Design for the best gear and paint!

RVS, JKS rør, Energima and ProteinFabrikken for your support

Roy Stranna at Stranna Foto for making us look good :)


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