PJ on Tour @ 507 Paintball - Panama

As we prepare for landing I gaze upon one of  the wonders of the World "The Panama Canal". Upon landing and clearing Panamanian Customs  I made my way to the Hotel Shuttle Pick-up Area. After just a few min I spotted the Hotel Riande's Shuttle. After a mere 5 minute ride I arrived at the Riande Hotel and Casino. Site of the 2nd leg of the 507 Paintball League. 

Riande Hotel is not your run of the mill hotel. Onsite and located near the rear of the resort is Panama Paintball Club.

Upon entering I witnessed one of the most beautiful Paintball Fields these eyes have seen. Complete with spacious pit areas,scoreboards,and all set on artificial turf.. Overlooking the field is the parks technical area where they keep scores, announce teams on deck, upload the Live Streamcast and also the Dj Booth.

Panama PB Club and Riande Hotel came together to create 507 PB League.. Since its inception late last year they have become one the Premiere Paintball Tournaments in Central and South America. Over 30 teams in 3 divisions rained upon Panama. Teams came from all over Central and South America. Countries attending  were  Aruba, Colombia, Ecuador ,Curacao, Argentina and Venezuela.
All with one goal, a crack at over $15,000.00 in cash and prizes.

About 6:00am the teams started rolling in and gearing up for battle. Some of the teams from the Planet Eclipse Stable included Monosalvaje(Ecuador) Xkalibur(Ecuador) Chronic Chaos(Aruba) Piratas(Panama) Chiggers(Panama) .. The big hype was our newest addition, Low Profile Royalty (Colombia). Seven beautiful women ready to kick ass and take names. Welcome to the EMORTAL ARMY..

 Reffing was handled by a great crew and led by Rafael Chung (NXL Ref).. Also visiting us from the USA was Timothy Stapleton (NXL HEAD REF) ..These guys kept the games rolling, arguments to a minimum and the cheaters under control. These Refs meant busines and won't hesitate pulling penalties.

In the D500 division Xkalibur Eclipse came out the gate on fire dropping only one match from Prelims to Finals. Nipping at their heels was Chiggers  with a hard fought 2nd place finish. In D4 it was Xkalibur again with the main squad taking the crown. Monosalvaje  following in 2nd with Piratas D4 rounding out 3rd. In the highly contested D3 my heart goes out to Piratas PTY on a stellar 2nd place finish. We will get it next time boys. Congratulations to all our teams and be ready for the last leg on September 16-17 2017..

I will be there,will you? I'd like to thank Panama PB Club and especially Planet Eclipse. Never Lose A Game.

We Got Your Back!!

One Game, One Love, One Planet.


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