Techs on Tour - Nick Patterson @ Living Legends

What can be said of the now legendary Big Game known as Living Legends? 

Hosted at the incredible CPX Sports, the weekend promised to be full of fun, paintball, and unfortunately, as it turned out, enough rain to constitute a biblical event. That weather did not deter the roughly 1700 players from playing! Through rain and wind and lots of mud they played and Planet Eclipse were there to help with any technical issues... You know.. Just in case :-)

Playing on arguably some of the best fields in the country, if not the world, Living Legends played all over CPX Sports, including the town of Bedlam and the smoking ruins of Armageddon, where intense action could be had, especially when it came to the now infamous final battle.

Speaking of the players, they came in every possible shape and form that you could imagine. They were young and old, tall, short, wearing HDE camo, a stylish kilt or new and flashy tournament gear. They played using every type of equipment- new, old, vintage, pump, semi, and stock class- everything in paintball was on display and being used. 

Thanks to Inspire Photography for the use of the Picture :
Here is a pretty cool video of some gameplay from the Saturday (Main day was Sunday) from Lone Wolf Paintball:

The weather by Sunday afternoon finally cleared and the sun made a late appearance. This made a great backdrop for the epic final battle. In the end, red overcame blue by almost everyone’s account, but the atmosphere and the stories in the staging area told the real story- that everyone in attendance had a blast. 


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