The Grim Reapers Give a Hand to Vets
Every fall in the
Midwest at Indy Battlegrounds near Indianapolis, Indiana there is a paintball
scenario called Operation Jericho. Written by the scenario team the Urban
Guard, the event depicts the struggle leading up to the Battle of Jericho and
the battle itself. It’s complete with a river crossing, scrolls, an Ark
the players have to carry, and of course a horn that needs to be blown.

Not being able to serve himself because of a physical condition,
Shadowfox has always wanted to find a way to help the military. When Col.
Ja Johnson USAF (retired) joined the Reapers last year this came up in a
conversation and Col. Johnson had the answer. “Let me tell you about
Operation Pathfinder, Brother.”
Shadowfox continued, “And the rest as they say is history. I
shared it with the team and every team member was immediately on board with a
‘How can I help?’ attitude. I am blessed to be a part of this team and to
be its captain is truly a privilege.”
Ummmmm.... Why does it say battlegrounds but have a picture of fort knox at area 51?