Techs On Tour: PJ @ UWL Mexico

Well I am off on another Paintball adventure. I landed in Brownsville, Texas and prepared to make the border crossing with a friend. After about an hour I arrived in Matamorros, Mexico nestled on the banks of the Rio Grande and just 45km from the Gulf of Mexico. Matamorros is now one of Mexico's chief ports of entry for tourists as well as import and export of goods. It is also the commercial center of an extensive cotton and sugarcane growing area. It has tanneries, cotton mills and distilleries.

 After about an hour ride we arrived at Area Recon2 Paintball Field. I met with field owner Eder Cabrera and he gave me a tour of the site. Area Recon has 1 Speedball and 3 Scenario fields each with their own concept. Field #1 Medevil Castle is littered with bridges and towers for all the action you can handle. Field #2 is The Alamo which consists of a fortress surrounded by trees and bushes. The objective is to capture and conquer the fortress. Field #3 is known as Vietnam. The field is littered with Tiki Huts and trenches for cover and flanking attacks. Field #4 is the Speedball field. For the adrenaline rush of the fast pace in your face Tourney Paintball we love.

It is easy to see why Recon2 would be the site for the Ultimate Woodsball League(UWL) event #2. UWL is the brainchild of (NXL) Tom Cole. The UWL is an international event held in the USA, Canada and Latin America. Mexico is in its 3rd year hosting UWL events. I met with organizer Raul Ibarra and he gave me the low down on ROF caps and rules for the Heavy Gunner. Heavy Gunner is the 1 player allowed to shoot uncapped and no limit to ammo.  Field #3 (Vietnam) would be the battleground for the UWL's event. Formats would include 5man Open/Tactical/Entry on Saturday. Sunday was reserved for 7man Open Division.

The rules call for several Flag stations to be on the field. Holding those stations were the key to winning games. But shooting players is much more fun. Games had a time limit of 15 minutes. Action was centered on the center 50 and teams didn't disappoint. In the 7man Open division it was REC BLACK as the crowned champions. In 2nd place it was ROCKETS followed by RECON GRANPA in 3rd. Next up was 5man Open division and RECON GRANPA took top honors. Coming from Florida was MDP in 2nd place edging out ROCKETS in 3rd.

In 5man Tactical division it was ARMADILLOS in 1st place. CHERNOBYL settled for 2nd with RECON BLACK rounding out 3rd. Last but not least is 5man Entry division. PORN STARZ celebrated like rock stars holding the trophy and posing for pictures. In 2nd place it was CAGUAMOS with GO-FUT in 3rd. Tequila, the nectar of champions began to be passed around. And with that we closed out UWL event #3. Congratulations to all of our teams and fans. Big shout outs to Eder Cabrera, Raul Ibarra, the UWL, and of course Planet Eclipse. Till next time. Be ready for event #3 in Mexico City and the finale in Cancun.

We Got Your Back !!

Hmmmm…now where’s my Passport? I think I need it to cross the border back to USA. 


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