We Wish You A Merry Christmas!

We LOVE Christmas at Planet Eclipse and what could be more festive than getting as many of our Pro teams together, at World Cup, in the blistering heat, to wear Christmas hats and sing a Christmas Carol just for you.

We intended to grab ALL of our Pro teams, but when at Cup, Cup happens, and things can get a bit hectic to say the least. But we did manage to snag SOME teams for your Christmas Caroling pleasure.

So put on your Santa hat, pour yourself a large eggnog, grab a fistful of mince pies and enjoy the sweet, sweet tones of the Planet Eclipse Christmas Choir.

Visit the link and enjoy: https://youtu.be/ZdqwOf9Tmes

Here's to more fun and victories in 2019.

Special thanks to our teams who channeled their inner Elf and had some fun with us.

Until next year.

Stay safe, have fun and be good to one another.

X X X - - - Merry Christmas - - - X X X


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