Warped Sports join the Emortal Army

Warped Sports have been at the forefront of developing a successful ‘club’ structure in the UK with a pretty big active membership base playing anything and everything from several teams playing airball at the CPPS, tournament woodsball teams, big game and Scenario teams and I’m sure even some MagFed players. The Warped Paintball Club structure allows players from a huge variant of backgrounds to join a club and be part of something, make new likeminded friends, play for a team with a way of fighting through the ranks to one day playing on the Elite squad and even for Team GB which several of the players have achieved. 

When Warped Sports approached Planet Eclipse and said they had chosen Planet Eclipse to be the marker of choice for their Wolverhampton Warped Elite team for 2020 we were over the moon. Due to the nature of a club structure we understand that not everyone in the club will be shooting Planet Eclipse markers, you can’t expect a new member to join and then HAVE to buy a Planet Eclipse marker if their budget doesn’t allow it. So for the Wolverhampton Warped Elite squad to CHOOSE and WANT to shoot the Planet Eclipse markers it’s amazing. Wolverhampton Warped Gold will be shooting custom coloured Planet Eclipse CS2’s and GEO4 this year and a little birdy tells us that these will also available to the public and other club members via the newly stocked up with Planet Eclipse gear Warped Sports store in Wolverhampton:

Planet Eclipse are pleased and honoured to welcome Warped Sports to the Emortal Army.


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