Emortal Army Legends #2 - Mike Bruno

#5 Mike Bruno

They don't come more passionate than our next Emortal. Mike Bruno has had a legendary playing career, notably dominating everyone with Aftershock in the early years. He's consistently been an aggressive and scary player during paintball's development years and continues to be influential today. His fight and spirit is something to behold and he can be a truly motivating force. Many of the game's most aggressive players today wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Mike.

As with all Emortals, we asked him the same 3 questions.

Favourite paintball moment?

My favorite paintball moment(s) would surely be when I was a young man and the very first 4 events I played were as pro, with Aftershock (of course) and we won them all (of course). It doesn’t get sweeter than that.

Favourite Eclipse marker you've used?

My favourite and best marker is the one in the photo. My Mike Bruno 05 GEO GSL. The best.

What's the story behind your number?

The story behind my player number? Pretty simple. It comes from my eldest son's birthday being the 5th.

Thanks for these Mike, but come on, you gotta have more. Any cool stories from your first wins? You must have some stand out memories from the early years on Aftershock – not saying that winning your first ever Pro matches isn't awesome enough – because it is.

Ok, so my biggest memories were from Boston, my first proper event you could say. It was my first big pro event. I hung the flag in the finals against the Terminators with seconds left. Then we played against the Ironmen in the final and I literally had no paint left, Doogie shot me in the chest BUT the ball bounced due to my overly large clothing. I caught the ball and shot him with his own paintball. That’s a fact!

I hung that flag also with seconds left to win the event. Pretty cool.

Brilliant! Thanks Mike!

Stay tuned until next week when we roll out our next Emortal. But who will it be?



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