Emortal Army Legends #4 - Carl 'Microwave' Markowski

#19 Carl Markowski

AKA Microwave, AKA H2K... Carl Markowski is yet another player who has been an important asset to the teams he's played for AND for the industry as a whole. His approachability as a human being and his willingness to give up his time to chat is something people should never take for granted. On the field this dude is faaaaast and his ability to transform into a supersonic, weapons-grade human missile is a rare and valuable trait for any player. His speed, aggression and ability to punch a hole through a team in the blink of an eye has helped flip many results over the years. There's also a very exclusive club of players who can match Carl for pace, of which all members can be counted on one hand. 

Image: Fava Photo

As with all Emortal Legends, we asked him a few simple questions.

Favourite paintball moment?

I would have to say my favorite paintball moment (which is actually a collection of many moments) has to be when I first started traveling and playing competitively for Tippmann with my friends. There was no feeling like traveling around the world as a kid while also playing this awesome sport and going to national events watching all the pros play and really getting to see the scale of the paintball world at that time. Great times.

Favourite Eclipse marker you've used?

My favorite Eclipse marker that I ever shot is a three way tie, and it's real hard to pick a winner. 

07 EGO - Avalanche Bones version. Only 3 made I believe(?). 

06 XSV EGO. Black with olive parts.

2017 EGO LVR. Vertical Tiger stripe.

What's the story behind your number?

19 was my number when I played baseball and it just stuck. A few teams I had to switch it to either 12 or 419 but 19 has always had this attraction to it for some reason. 

Thanks for your time Carl.

Tune in next week for our next Emortal Legend! But who will it be?


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