The Gulag

If you build it they will come.

After two seasons of perfecting Leadfarmer's Gulag, this Speedmag tournament as we like to call it, has caught the attention of many paintballers.

It is a bridge between the two main paintball classes, a 5 vs 5 tournament on a speedball field, speedball rules but with Magfed markers. 

Many Magfed players have showed up and put their skill to the test. One player said "It's so intense and fast-paced...I truly have a new-found respect for speedball. This has been the highlight of my season". 

The Gulag also saw tournament players try Magfed markers for the first time, it was a big change for them. The limited ammo and the slower firing markers have made it easier for them to move more aggressively on the field, but limited ammo made them rethink their style and focus on accuracy versus firepower. 

Leadfarmer's Gulag was hosted by Commando Action Centre in the Canadian capital, Ottawa. The winner team was the Frontline Squad from the Frontline Paintball Podcast (Leadfarmer, Tango, Patrick Mcgoey, Josh Stanley, Thomas Gordon, Henry Buzadi). 

Leadfarmer said: "With the EMF100 in our hands paired with CF20 mags, we had the right tools for the job."

Leadfarmer's Gulag comes back MAY 14. 2022 at Commando Action Centre.

For more info on the Gulag or to book in:

Gulag event page: 

Thanks to Malicious Media for the pictures. Check them out here:


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