Emortal Army Legends #8 - Alex Fraige

#7 Alex Fraige

One of paintball's true greats, Alex's wisdom, vision, and sheer ability on the field has lead to an enviable career as one of paintball's true pioneers. His unique playing style combines intelligence and aggression like no other, and still continues to impress.

His back catalogue is impressive. Even more impressive is how he continues to break games open and make championship winning moves to this day. These are just some of the reasons why he'll always be a bonafide Emortal Legend!

And as with all of our Emortals, we asked Alex a few simple questions.

Photo: Fava Photo

Favourite paintball moment?

My favorite paintball moment was winning Ford Mustangs at the Spyder Cup in 2000. It was so nice to validate the reality of paintball to my family.

I remember it being a rainy day during the last game against Team Strange. Our guns were crap (not PE of course) and so was our paint. We just needed a flag pull to win the tournament and avoid hot gun penalties. I grabbed the flag but instantly got bunkered. Our guns were so full of broken paint no one could chrono off hot. I will never forget the sound of Kenny Chamberlain cheering from the deadbox when I got that flag pull. Great times.

PE - We just wanna step in here to clarify for our younger readers. Yep, cars. They won cars for winning a paintball tournament!

Favourite Eclipse marker you've used?

My favorite Eclipse marker is the GEO 2.  It was the beginning of something great that led to a variety of great spool designs. I also have very fond memories of shooting people with it.

What's the story behind your jersey number?

I chose number seven because when you roll 2 dice, 7 has the best chance of being rolled out of any number. It is also considered lucky by some.

Thanks for your time Alex, stay fresh!

Tune in next week for our next Emortal Legend! But who will it be?


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