Ones To Watch: Sporting CP

It's always good to shine a light on those who push their boundaries and step out of their comfort zones to improve and compete at a higher level. Up-and-coming TeamSporting CP are doing just that.

After they rocked up to the UK's CPPS series, went straight into the Elite Division and walked away with a solid 5th place then followed up with a 4th we thought these guys must be serious. Then, they contacted us about their proud efforts. So, we decided to find out more about this passionate and driven organisation.

Photo: Matt Gee

So, Sporting CP... who are you?

We are a Team from Portugal that represents one of the biggest sports club of our country, Sporting Clube of Portugal. We are the current national champions and our mission, right now, is to put our name out there among Europe's Top Paintball teams. 

Sporting Clube de Portugal has more than 50 modalities and is one of the biggest references in building hight performance athletes, from Cristiano Ronaldo to several Olympic medalists.

So you're more than just a team, you're building something much bigger?

Correct. Our structure has an A team, a B team and a Paintball Academy. Each level trains from 2 to 3 days a week in our reball training center.

We follow a methodic program in which we train every aspect of the game, from cardio fitness to snap shooting, timing, one-on-one skills, game knowledge, slides, bunker posture, attack, defence, and much more.

Photo: Matt Gee


That's amazing! And you're working hard to put it all into practice?

Absolutely! This month was our first time out of the country at a European competition, in the CPPS Elite division – the top tier of teams. It’s a level that we are not used to playing but we were able to pass first in our group and make a solid fifth place. We are very happy with the result and the decision to play the CPPS and we know it is an important step to our growth as a team and to strengthen the relationship with our sponsors.

Great to see more teams branching out, travelling and playing other Tournament Series'. Any last words?

Just this. We've been loyally shooting Planet Eclipse since 2016 and we want to become one of the brand's powerhouse teams in Europe.

Thank you!

It's awesome when teams play abroad and compete in leagues they have little knowledge of. It's exciting, fun and so rewarding when a good result is had. Respect to Sporting CP for not only making the trip over, but for a great result AND for taking to time to tell us about their incredible club structure. More of this please! 

Show them some love, check out their Socials right here:

Sporting CP - YouTube Channel

Sporting CP Paintball - Instagram

Sporting Clube de Portugal - Instagram


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