World Cup 2009

World Cup 2009..

So what have Planet Eclipse got installed for you at this years PSP World Cup. As well as a lovely air conditioned show tent we will be trying to give our Eclipse fans that are at the Cup and at home the opportunity to be able to able to dial into what’s going on, on and off the field.

On deck at the World Cup will be Natalie Cake who will be hosting the footage directly from the event to you. Natalie will be working alongside Dan Napoli (the man responsible for bringing you ETV) to get down and dirty with some of the Eclipse Stars at the event. Natalie will be filming and throwing up video clips via Youtube onto the Eclipse HQ Blog page ( as well as scores, rumours, gossip, the real inside scoop. At the time of going to press the finer point have still to be worked out but it’s a fly by the seat of your pants project. Paintball is a pretty unpredictable sport, who knows what could happen.. So tune in to find out. The is the place to first see these posts so get following it now.

OK you’re not that bothered. Your one of the lucky ones that will be at the event…Well, a little birdie tells me that you should subscribing, following, keeping an eye on all of the Eclipse Social Networking Sites as I believe there are going to be some special offers that will be announced via facebook, twitter, myspace, Eclipse Web Site Subscribers and the Blog page with a code word that will give the first person to say it that comes to the booth an option for a very special offer. It could be anything from a free t-shirt to a half price Geo. Who knows? Well, you might if you subscribe to all of the social networking sites:

Eclipse Web Site Subscriptions:

Eclipse HQ Blog:





  1. too bad im not going to be a cup so i cant actually get any deals... im still saving up for my ego10

  2. Maybe if you're lucky, I will be able to get some footage of Jack modeling it for you.

  3. I won't be going to cup either so I'll definitely be watching the coverage. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.


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