Competition Time !!

If you have an iPhone you probably love it and have loads of Apps. Now the games are good, some are amazing but the ones you just keep going back to over and over again because they are so addictive are brilliant and frustrating all in the same App. Well, my current favourite is FallDown! It’s a FREE App and super simple, super additive and super frustrating. Stoney and I have been having a running battle for a couple of weeks (To be honest it’s like taking Candy from a baby). I think he’s hanging around the 280 Mark.. Here is a screen shot of my highest scores…

So, I’ll give you two weeks to beat my score and the winner with the highest score will get my respect and also an Eclipse Back Pack (Ruk Sak) Free Of Charge to your door. I want to receive screen shots as proof and the winner with an e-mail sent into our inbox when we start work on the 29th March will be the winner.

So what you waiting for?

All aboard the train heading for Frustration Central !!!

Don't bother with the Photoshop, we have ways of checking your score !!!


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