Break In at Dye UK !

The Paintball community is a small place and we all need to look out for each other..F%*&£ng scum bags that steal anything deserve to rot in hell, but when they steal Paintball stuff it makes me sick to the core.

Last night Dye Europe in the UK was broken into and a bunch of high end gear was stolen... Below is the information that Dye have send to me...

Please DO NOT BUY any of this gear if you hear about anything being sold cheap then please contact Dye, or Planet and we will pass on the info.... If we buy this stuff no matter how cheap we just open ourselves up as targets. If these scum bags can steal and sell anything they will.. Let’s make sure they can't sell it !!!

Everyone at Planet hopes you catch them !!!



Last night Dye precision Ltd’s European Office in Croydon, Surrey was broken into.

Most of the goods that were stolen were the NT’s and DM10’s and a few loaders and SLG’s.
The police have been called and a full investigation will be taking place.

At this point we would to call upon you guys, the paintball community to do whatever they can to help us in tracking down the stolen goods and the people responsible.
We ask you all keep your eyes and ears open and let us know of any “to good to be true deals” or from any unusual sources. These guns will no doubt appear, more than likely in the UK market.

Any information will be treated in the strictest of confidence and if it proves to be key in finding the goods and those that stole them, you will be rewarded appropriately,

The Guns Stolen Will Include Team PGA NTs... Also including some cosmetically Flawed Anno’d Nexus Teams guns that were to be returned and will be easily identifiable.

We thank you all for your co-operation and understanding at this time.

DYE Precision Ltd.”


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